Views of the Past

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Book Cover

I am judged.

I am judged by the way I speak.

I am judged by the way I dress.

I am judged by everything.

When people see me and the way I act,
people assume I am not the brightest crayon in the box.

As we all know though
if you assume you only make an ass out of you and me

I only put on the persona of a simpleton to blend in.
No one likes a know-it-all and so I avoid looking like one.

Peer pressure has driven me to this and also my social standing as a below middle-class citizen.

People tell me to seek funding and grants from the local college so that I can make something of myself.
Well guess what? I can't.
I am consistently beaten to the punch or I'm not qualified.

Just because I'm not up to your "high" expectations don't think you're better than me.

I'm sorry that I haven't had everything handed to me.
Sorry that I can't find a job even though I look.

Don't tell how hard you had to work to get where you are today,

because honestly you haven't.

When you have had nothing but constant rejection, no help,
and still haven't advanced anywhere,
then you have had it hard.

Constantly working towards nowhere.
That is truly hard. It's my life.

Don't ever judge a book by it's cover.

It Happened?

Apparently Harold Camping was wrong.

Everyone I know is still here.
Unless I just to happen to know the wrong people.

As it is clearly written in the gospel
"No man knows the hour or the day' that Jesus will come. The main thing is to be ready to meet Him"

Silly man, Harold Camping.
He goes against the very book he upholds.

And I'm the one who has apparently read a bit further than him.

So when is the next "Rapture" forecasted Haraldo?

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rapture Is Coming!

Beware the End of Days is near.
May 21, 2011

The rapture is going to happen tomorrow and all because Harold Camping says so.

I doubt it.

If it does happen though, I'll probably be left behind.

Oh well.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



It gives new  life to old.

Brings   new   age   to  old land.

Rejuvenates    the    world   and heals

old     wounds.      A     great    and  vast

destructive    force   has   a  collective 
 and              a             simple  
 blessing     in   a single

I have just started using this site to get fonts from for my adobe program.
Just wanted you all to know this site is perfect for finding just about any
and all fonts that you could need.

Take a minute to look. It'll be fun.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Simple Value - Truth


The original story with no feelings or opinions added.

Simple facts.

But these things are so hard to get from a person. To get an absolute truth from somebody is near impossible.
A persons' mind is clouded by their own thoughts and judgements.
In the process of something being retold facts are lost or hidden.
There is always somebody to protect or some embarrassing moment that needs hiding.
And all this obscures the truth from being seen.

Always value truth,
even if it isn't the whole truth
because that is all you ever will get from somebody.